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Toby Keith | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I want to hear from you...e-mail me with your stories of why you love the man.
Wendy says: Here's the readers digest version of why I love Toby.
He's HOT HOT HOT ! ! !
His music makes me happy.
His music helped me lose 80 pounds.
I've met so many wonderful new friends.
I met my best friend Karen.
I'm HAPPY now.
BUPA 420 says: I love Toby because he doesn't compare to any other man on earth and his music and videos helped me through alot of rough times. The man gets right to my soul and my idol.
Karen says: What is there not to love??? I love everything about this man!!!! I love his voice, his songwriting, his music,his demeanor, his totally awesome goodlooks, his smile, his laugh, his sense of humor, his attitude, his total character, his muscular build, and every inch of that tall, beautiful
Kristi says: I think Toby is "the Man" because he is such a hard working, down to
earth honest man. He has motivated me to move on with "My List" and
start livin' for myself. I have recently been reminded that I am more
than Mom and Wife...I am a woman and have so much potential that I have
been putting on the back burner and its time for ME, ME, ME to come out
of my shell and start participating in life. Thank you Toby and thanks
to all the wonderful people that he and his music has brought into my
life!! God Bless!
Kristi (kristinc31)
cmfan says:
I have been in Toby's Fan Club since early 1994 and will always be in it. I love him for his music. I like the things he writes more then when he sings somebody elses music. I have all his albums including the Christmas one. My Hubby hates to drive my car because I call it my 'Toby Car'. My licence plate holder is for Toby, and I have his two licence plates in the rear window. And..............Only Toby is played on the CD.
Toby has one of the greatest country music voices in the business today and will be there tomorrow and everyday after that til the end of time.
Joanie says:
I have been a Toby fan for quite awhile now, but never really loved him until I met him! He was so gracious and polite. Don't get me wrong he is one georgeous man. He can sing me a song like no one else can. He is a GREAT songwriter as well as singer. Well, I could go on and on about this man but I think you got the idea. TOBY IS THE MAN!
Debbie says: I love his love for his family, friends and fans. His music is amazing and
so realistic that it makes me feel like he knows exactly how I feel but
lack the ability to say it like he does. He makes me want to be a better
wife, mother and friend.
jonesone99 says: Where do I start? I wasn't even a country music fan at first. I am almost embarressed to say Toby caught my attention because he looks just like my brother. (I would love to share pictures to compare with you but I am computer illiterate. Is there a regular address for Toby or you that I could send it to?) Now Toby is all I listen to. Over the last year I have totally fallen in love with his music and the man himself. He seems like he would be someone you could just walk up to. Your websites have been a great introduction to Toby Keith and the internet. THANK YOU!
Kimberly says: I love Toby for more reasons than I could ever count!! First of all, he is
absolutely the MOST HUNKY guy in country music, or any music genre for that
matter. Secondly, his music is like none other. It can make you smile on
your worst day, it can make you cry on your best, and most of all it can
reach into your soul and simply "touch" you. Thirdly, to say that his
songwriting is THE BEST, is an understatement. I could go on and on and on
about "The Man!"
Donna says: I love the fact that he has a strong sense of family. The fact that he has a heart as big as Oklahoma. That he has a wonderful sense of humor. The way he throws his head back when he laughs. The way he closes his eyes when he sings "You Leave Me Weak." The way when he smiles he smiles with his eyes. The fact that he doesn't mind me calling him "Big Sexy," and the fact that he is just that Big and Sexy.
Margie (okiegirltobyfan) says:
I have been a fan of TOBY since 1993 when he came to
Ardmore Oklahoma my hometown to sing at the rodeo.
Why I waited so long to join the fan club I have no
But in Feb. 2002 my sisters took me to Austin Tex,
which is 400 miles from home just to see TOBY. They
know and now most of Texas know how much I love this
man and his music.
He puts so much meaning into his songs no matter if
they are serious or funny.
And being the best looking man on the planet is
another reason.
I have to give praise to his wife Trisha for letting
us drool over her man she is one lucky lady.
Sorry I get carried away sometimes. Thanks for letting
me talk about TOBY.
Amanda (tobyfan101) says:I love him because he's said the thing's to me that I needed to hear. He's opened my eyes so I could see the things that I needed to see. He's touched my life in more ways than I could ever explain. Because of him, I have become a better mother, a better wife, a better daughter, a better sister, a better friend, a better woman, a better Christian. He has the most honest demeanor about himself and a quality that every woman wants her significant other to possess. He is the definition of man. Man=Toby Keith Covel
I hold the highest respect, admiration, support and love for a man who's size represents the quality of his work. The man uses his music as his tool to convey his inner thoughts and honest feelings, and touching others lives where he leaves a memoriable space on ones heart.
Eight years ago, my life came to a hault, when a tragic car accident took the lives of my entire family, my mother, my father and 17 year old son. I am an only child, and decided to put life and my self on permanent hold, going through the motions of living. That was until Toby Keith touched me with his song "MY LIST". The sincerity you feel from that song, as if the man was speaking right to you. Toby made me realize that life is for the living, and I had a lot on my list that still needed to be done.............and for Toby giving me a life that I feel I can live and deal with. One of my priorities on my list, is to some day say a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to the man who constantly inspireres me to live on. God Bless Toby Keith!
Karen Cirrito-Centofanti
Glebri says: Toby proves that you don't have to be a size 32 waist and wear tight levi's to be hot. He has an awesome personality. It shows through in his music, Just saw him in concert for the 3rd time this weekend and as popular as he has gotten he still takes time to acknowledge his fans. I could go on and on. There is no one like Toby!!!!!!!
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