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This beautiful poem was written by our own DebbieDoo.
Thank you so much for giving me the honor of displaying your talent here.

The year was 1961, a year of promise and peace.
From the inauguration of Kennedy to the Vietnam aid increase.
The Bay of Pigs disaster to the Peace Corps being formed,
And in Oklahoma City, a baby boy was born.
An ordinary baby to an ordinary man and wife
Pledged to raise this little boy and teach him wrong from right.
But he was not so ordinary they  realized when he was young,
His head filled up with words and spilled over onto his tongue
Music pulsed through his veins and coursed into his heart,
He knew he had to share it or it would tear him apart.
Nobody wanted to believe in him, no one seemed  to care.
But he kept right on pushing in spite of his despair.
His music was a kaleidoscope from pieces of his life.
Some were strong and sassy, some tender for his son and wife.
His words all gave a message that made you cheer or weep.
Who was this man, really, who refused to sell out cheap?
The man inside the music embraces my very soul
And when I feel I can’t go on, his words make me whole.
The man inside the music makes me take a second look
At the incredible man beside me  whose name I gladly  took.
The man inside the music will someday pass on his band
But he will keep on writing until he is an old man.
The woman that draws her peace from him will support him however she can
For as long as he keeps writing, she will be his biggest  fan.