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Toby has been going full speed ahead this year touring on the enormous strength of his latest album "Unleashed"...and the man certainly has no restraints holding him back. His shows sell out within hours of opening at the box offices and he is breaking attendance records all across the country. He is bound to be viewed as country music's hardest working performer. As his tour is winding down with shows on the west coast Toby really has no time to rest on his laurels. His new video "Who's Your Daddy?" is climbing up the country charts while his 9/11 anthem "Courtesy Of The Red White & Blue" still holds fast in the charts. He also has another video in the works for a song he penned entitled "Beer For My Horses" whick is a duet with legendary singer/songwriter Willie Nelson.
He is nominated for 6 CMA awards this year which is scheduled to air on Nov. 6th...check your local listings for time and network...and is slated to perform at the ceremonies hoping to take home the coveted Entertainer Of The Year award.
After years of disappointments, label disputes and being considered a wash-out...this is definitely his time to warrant the battle cry of How Do You Like Me Now!!!!!

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